Ovie's creative blog

Perle d'eau douce, bijoux perle pour femme

Find happiness

Every day offers opportunities to celebrate the beauty of the world around us, and every experience can be a valuable source of inspiration for unique creations. The simple moments of life, nature and sincere interactions constitute true happiness.

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La pierre du mois de février : l'améthyste

The stone of the month of February: amethyst

Appreciated for its beauty and spiritual properties for thousands of years and considered one of the most powerful crystals in the world, discover the world of amethyst, the stone of the month of February.

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Lithothérapie : les bienfaits des pierres - 5 suggestions de lecture

Lithotherapy: the benefits of stones - 5 reading suggestions

While many people practice crystal therapy using their intuition and personal experience, there are a number of books that can serve as useful references for those looking to learn more about this practice.

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Pierre de grenat d'une couleur rouge vive

The stone of the month for January: garnet

Garnet stones are associated with protection and giving courage and strength to the people who wear them. They help overcome life's obstacles and are often associated with people born in January.

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